How to protect your flooring warranty?


Why is a flooring warranty so important? So many of these products have residential and commercial warranties and there is a lot of information out there that can be quite confusing.

Firstly, it’s about the manufacturer trying to safeguard the consumer’s installation and experience of their floor, and they’ve got a very strict set of requirements of how the floor gets installed to safeguard your investment.

So whether you fill out that little registration card or not about a manufacturing defect, which they will then honor. It’s also about setting the controls that the installation is correct and they’re guiding you through the steps on how to achieve that.

Reading the installation instructions, care maintenance, is absolutely paramount in safeguarding your investment. So it’s not just about having a recourse with the manufacturer if something goes wrong, which I find as a professional in the industry is actually quite rare.

Majority of floor failures come about through incorrect maintenance and installation, and if we follow the warranty parameters, the installation parameters, we’re going to safeguard our investment. So it’s up to every consumer to make sure that they are aware of what the requirements are. And don’t just rely on that individual who’s doing the installation and laying the planks. Make sure you know what’s going on, because that’s how you get to safeguard your investment.